Jeff Turnbull Personal Trainer


Jeff Turnbull Personal Trainer

Hey, I’m Jeff Turnbull, founder of TurnFit. I live in a village a few miles from Sudbury. I work with clients of all ages throughout Suffolk, helping them to lose fat, get toned, become stronger and more flexible.

My Journey: I spent years myself going up and down in weight and struggling with so-called diets. I lost confidence in myself and began to doubt if I could ever get into shape. In my late forties, and while recovering after an unexpected stay in the hospital, I finally realised that I had to make a positive change about my health and fitness.

Getting myself fit wasn’t easy, and it took effort on my part, but it was worth it.

To help with my pursuit, I got the support of a personal trainer; I had a plan, I followed the program and to keep me on track, I had regular progress assessments. Soon, I was seeing results and the results just kept on coming. Within the first six months, I lost three stone; I had a lot more energy and was more flexible than in my mid-20s.

Experience: Now, six years on, I am even fitter than ever. I trained and qualified as a personal trainer, and I’m on a mission to help people, just like you, to get into the best shape of their lives too.

Personal 1-2-1 Coaching

Working For My Clients 100%

What You Can Expect

Kettle Bells

Customised Planning

Your training plans are tailored to meet your specific goals while maximising results and minimising injuries

Tailored Training Programmes


Your workouts are prepared prior to your appointment so that no time is wasted in achieving your desired results



Regular contact and support throughout your programme to keep you on track and answer your questions

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Get in Touch Today

Interested In Working With Me?

If you would like some help losing fat, getting toned and feeling stronger in the next 12 weeks, please get in touch. Complete the form below with your contact information and I will personally respond to you within 48 hours.

When I get in touch, I can answer any further queries you may have, and if you would like to go ahead, we will book a {{FREE}} consultation. By completing the form, you are not obligating yourself to anything.

I’m really looking forward to getting to know you better. Jeff Turnbull Personal Trainer

Jeff Turnbull Personal Trainer